Welcome to Evergreen Counselling Service

Committed to understanding your experience and working towards taking actions for self improvement.

Welcome to ECS Colchester website.

The choice to begin the counselling journey is a difficult one. Hence, we will work side by side with you to ensure you feel safe to explore your experiences in a confidential space without judgement, to aid in your healing, enhance your well-being and your ability to cope on a day to day basis.

At Evergreen Counselling Service we provide short or long-term psychological therapy to various client groups living with workplace, relationship, family, and mental health challenges. We offer blended services tailored to suit your therapeutic needs to help alleviate your symptoms of psychological distress, including, but not limited to Depression, Anxiety, identity crisis, trauma, bereavement, anger, addiction, personality disorder e.t.c.

My Interview with ITV news on Mental Health in black communities.

[ITV News aired on the 12th of October 2020].

All parts of you are welcome. Why not call for a brief chat or send an email to see how we can work together.

What Counselling Is?

"Counselling is a talking therapy where you talk in confidence to a counsellor who will help you find ways to deal with difficulties in your life. Talking therapy is a psychological treatment for mental and emotional problems like stress, anxiety, depression etc". (NHS website, 2018)

Counselling plays a crucial role in improving the health and well-being of an individual and society at large. It is not about giving advice or opinions. It helps people to talk about their feelings, think about their choices or their behaviour, and make positive changes in their lives.

Individual Counselling: Is when a client works one-on-one with a trained counsellor. It is done in a safe and confidential space to explore their feelings, beliefs, or behaviors, work through challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of their lives that they would like to change, have better understand of themselves and others and set personal goals to become the best version of themselves.

You may choose to seek therapy for variety of reasons, from

  1. Dealing or Coping with major life changes or incidents such as a traumatic accident, abuse or death of a loved one.
  2. Dealing with psychological or emotional problems (such as depression, anxiety, stress etc.), or any other form of disorder.
  3. Or simply desiring personal growth, self understanding or empowerement, and building confidence or self esteem.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Carl Jung.

Couples Counselling

Is like MOT check when you are in a relationship. It helps to identify cracks & issues in a relationship and then explore ways to improve communication, negotiate and resolve conflicts to have a progress-full relationship.

Aim of couples counselling?

  • To understand how external factors such as attachment style, family values or orientation, work & stress, religion/spirituality, lifestyle and culture affect your relationship.
  • To identifying new ways of being and living together after the honeymoon phase. Thereby rediscovering that closeness and intimacy which originally brought you two together.
  • To help Identify the need for change, re-balancing of life and acknowledgement of changing expectations of each other which requires honest talking and open communication without judgement.
  • To offers a safe space to discuss worries, concerns, behaviours, growth and future goals. Then, identify the need for remedial work before the relationship drift becomes too pronounced.

"If it [attachment] goes well, there is joy and a sense of security. If it is threatened, there is jealousy, anxiety, and anger. If broken, there is grief and depression" - Bowlby, 1988

Couples Counselling And Psychotherapy In Colchester, Essex

Christian Counselling

Christian Counselling offers one a forum to express and reflect on their experiences and thoughts from a faith or biblical perspective with a counsellor that shares the same belief, values and assumptions; Without judging, whilst considering what the word of God says concerning your life, family, children, marriage, physical or mental health, lifestyle, etc.

In recognition that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

We might also need a christian counsellor when we find ourselves in need of guidiance when we are:

  • weary in our walk with God
  • troubled by the changing times
  • wavering in our faith or having doubts or questions due to issues confronting us.

My Faith as a Christian is an integral part of my identity as to my race and ethnicity. And I value and respect other people's race, culture, opinions, expressions, choice of lifestyle and choice of spirituality and beliefs.

"Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established". - Proverbs 15:22 (KJV).

"Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety". - Proverbs 11:14 (KJV)

ACC logo

About Me

Uzochukwu Christian Ilodibe

Uzochukwu Christian Ilodibe

I am a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist in Person-centred Approach which is an accredited course by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). I am also a registered member of the BACP (MBACP), ACC (MACC) & BAATN; and practice, and adhere to the code and ethics of all associations.

Work settings

  • GP Primary Choice
  • St Helena Hospice
  • Mental Health Care Home
  • Private Practice

Read more About Me


Kindly wait at the reception in Wellington house located at 90-92 Butt Road, Colchester CO3 3DA and I will meet you there. Butt road car park (CO3 3DG) is a few meters from the location and also within easy reach of Colchester High Street. The office has Disabled access and WC as well as free parking.


Each session lasts 50 minutes. The first session is free and will allow you time to express how things are for you at the moment, with an eventual aim to see how you want things to be, and how you can get there. If we both decide to continue, we will arrange weekly sessions, with a review in six weeks to begin with. For some, six sessions is quite enough, whereas for others a longer period is required. You are under no obligation to continue with the sessions, and can end at any time.

Fees & Availablity

Individual - £50 per session.

Students - £40 per session.

Couples - £60 per session.

Family - £70 per session.

Daytime: Mon - Fri (10am - 9pm)

Saturdays (9am - 1pm).

**Discounted rates are available when booking 6 sessions in advance**

Payment can be made in cash or by bank transfer.

Cancellation policy

If you need to cancel an appointment, 24 hours’ prior notice is required, or a £20 cancellation charge will apply.

Counselling And Psychotherapy In Colchester, Essex

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